

3324 Uppsatser om Asylsökande patient - Sida 1 av 222

ASYL och KONVERSION Asyls?kande konvertiters f?rst?else av sin konversionsprocess

The purpose of this study is to analyse asylum seeking converts understanding of their conversion process based on church context, specifically within the realm of evangelical church and theology. Through the method of content analysis this essay analyses six qualitative interviews done with converts from two Islamic traditions to Swedish free church Christianity. The essay discusses the results through the lens of Lewis Rambos seven-phase theoretical concept of conversion. The important results given by this study shows that the first contact with other Christians in a new country, which creates a new community serving as an interpretive framework for their lives, triumphs the question of the theological perception for the conversion. Also, the results shows that intellectual understanding of the doctrines of faith is less important relative to the conversion process best described by the words touched, taught, and transformed.

Att attrahera arbetsso?kande : En studie i hur fo?retag kan anva?nda corporate social performance i employer branding fo?r att sta?rka sitt arbetsgivarvaruma?rke

Denna studies syfte a?r att underso?ka vilka aspekter av ett fo?retags arbetsgivarvaruma?rke som va?rderas ho?gst av arbetsso?kande och da?rfo?r a?r viktigast fo?r fo?retag att kommunicera till ma?lgruppen genom employer branding-arbete. Uppsatsen bygger pa? fyra fra?gesta?llningar: Vilka av aspekterna i ett arbetsgivarvaruma?rke a?r viktigast att kommunicera till arbetsso?kande fo?r att bli en arbetsgivare som arbetsso?kande dras till? Vidare: Vilka aspekter av ett arbetsgivarvaruma?rke va?rderar studenter ho?gst na?r de va?ljer arbetsgivare? Finns det en skillnad mellan ma?n och kvinnor i vad man va?rderar ho?gst respektive la?gst? Finns det en skillnad mellan vad man va?rderar ho?gst respektive la?gst beroende pa? studietid?Underso?kningen baseras pa? en kvantitativ studie och genomfo?rdes med hja?lp av en enka?tstudie. Enka?tstudien baseras pa? en modell fo?r corporate social performance som kommer fra?n ett offentligt index av Kinder, Lydenberg, Domini & Co.

Presstöd under press : institutionell förändring inom svenska tidningsmarknadens stödsystem 1963-2011

Denna studies syfte a?r att underso?ka vilka aspekter av ett fo?retags arbetsgivarvaruma?rke som va?rderas ho?gst av arbetsso?kande och da?rfo?r a?r viktigast fo?r fo?retag att kommunicera till ma?lgruppen genom employer branding-arbete. Uppsatsen bygger pa? fyra fra?gesta?llningar: Vilka av aspekterna i ett arbetsgivarvaruma?rke a?r viktigast att kommunicera till arbetsso?kande fo?r att bli en arbetsgivare som arbetsso?kande dras till? Vidare: Vilka aspekter av ett arbetsgivarvaruma?rke va?rderar studenter ho?gst na?r de va?ljer arbetsgivare? Finns det en skillnad mellan ma?n och kvinnor i vad man va?rderar ho?gst respektive la?gst? Finns det en skillnad mellan vad man va?rderar ho?gst respektive la?gst beroende pa? studietid?Underso?kningen baseras pa? en kvantitativ studie och genomfo?rdes med hja?lp av en enka?tstudie. Enka?tstudien baseras pa? en modell fo?r corporate social performance som kommer fra?n ett offentligt index av Kinder, Lydenberg, Domini & Co.

Budgivning och bostadspriser : En studie av bostadsköpsregleringen och dess inverkan på försäljningspris

Bostadspriser anses ofta spegla konjunkturla?get. Det inneba?r att priser normalt sett sjunker vid la?gkonjunktur. Den svenska bostadsmarknaden har sedan mitten av 1990-talet sett o?kande priser, och det finns ingen indikation pa? en nedga?ng eller stabilisering trots den globala finanskrisen som utbro?t a?r 2007 och den da?refter fo?ljande la?gkonjunkturen.

PATIENTENS DELAKTIGHET : En förutsättning för god vård

Today patients are more aware of their rights regarding their own care. They are more informed, more engaged and have more and individual requirements, which leads to increased demands for information and participation increases. The Health Act sets out the patients´ right to participation. Participation increases patient satisfaction with care, promotes healing and increases adherence to health care advise. The patient doesn´t always experience participation in their own care to the extent they wish, which suggests that nurse?s does not always succeed in getting the patient involved.

Patienters beskrivning av att vårdas på isoleringsrum -en litteraturstudie

Background: Every day patient´s get isolated in hospitals as a consequense of infection control purposes. Physical isolation can result in lack of human contact and a new unknown environment for the patient. Those two factors can easily cause stress within the patient and create anxiety for the future. Aim: The aim of the study was to describe patient´s experience of being nursed in an isolation room. Method: The method that was used was a literature research, where earlier research findings were read and put together.


Bakgrund: Missbruk av substanser ?r ett globalt problem och kr?ver insatser fr?n h?lso- och sjukv?rd f?r att b?de hj?lpa personer att ta sig ur ett missbruk och hantera andra symtom eller sjukdomar. Samtidigt ?r det l?ngt ifr?n alla som har missbruk som s?ker v?rd n?r de beh?ver f? hj?lp. Ovilja att s?ka v?rd kan resultera i negativa konsekvenser p? b?de individ- och samh?llsniv?.

Bevarandet av patientens autonomi vid palliativ vård utifrån ett etiskt perspektiv

Background: More focus has been placed towards autonomy when it comes to care and in special towards palliative care. The purpose with palliative care is to relieve and support at the end of the life. When the patient has difficulties to communicate to those around him due to his illness it is hard to preserve the patients right of self-determination. It is very important to consider the patient as autonomous during the course of the illness. Different alternatives have been developed to preserve the patient?s autonomy such as dedicate a deputy or plan the care of the patient in advance.Aim: The aim of this study was to describe, from an ethical point of view, how the patient?s autonomy could preserved at palliative care.Method: A general literature study where 11 scientific articles have been analysed from a qualitative checklist whereof the result has been discussed based on the principles of ethics.

Aspekter på sjukgymnasters bemötande av patienter: intervjuer med tre patienter och en sjukgymnast

The aim of the study was to investigate the importance of the interaction between the physiotherapist and the patient. Semistructured interviews were carried out with three patients and one physiotherapist. A qualitative design with content analysis was used. The data analysis led to classification of four categories. These were communication, confidence, expectations and participation.

Bevarandet av patientens autonomi vid palliativ vård utifrån ett etiskt perspektiv - en litteraturstudie

Background: More focus has been placed towards autonomy when it comes to care and in special towards palliative care. The purpose with palliative care is to relieve and support at the end of the life. When the patient has difficulties to communicate to those around him due to his illness it is hard to preserve the patients right of self-determination. It is very important to consider the patient as autonomous during the course of the illness. Different alternatives have been developed to preserve the patient?s autonomy such as dedicate a deputy or plan the care of the patient in advance.

Relations in palliative care

AbstractBackground: Relation means the relationship between two parts. By creating a good relation between nurse and patient you can conduce a better caring. Aim: The aim of the study was to illustrate the relation within palliative care from nurse- patient perspective. Method: The study is a literature review where ten articles were analysed with qualitative content analysis. Results: The findings showed that knowledge, communication, continuity, silence and availability were the most important thing for the nurse in the relationship.

Patientens upplevelser av smärta vid venösa bensår och dess påverkan på livet : Patient´s experiences of pain at venous leg ulcer and the effects on their daily life.

Background: Patients with leg ulcer suffers often of woundpain. Healthcare professionals will strive after having knowledge and understanding for how woundpain influences the patient's quality of life. Aim: The aim is to elucidate the patient's experiences of pain at venous leg ulcer and the effects on their daily life. Method: The procedure has been a systematic literature overview with a systematic search in different databases. The search resulted in nine scientific articles.

De annorlunda Andra : En kombinerad narrativanalys av SVT:s representation av flyktingar och asylsökande

SammanfattningDenna kandidatuppsats a?mnar underso?ka hur rester av kolonialismens uppdelningar av ?vi? och ?dom? florerar i SVT:s nyhetsrapportering om flyktingar och asylso?kande. En verksamhet som har saklighet, folkbildning och opartiskhet som honno?rsord. Syftet a?r att ta reda pa? om, och i sa? fall hur SVT reproducerar koloniala, stereotypa fo?resta?llningar om dessa akto?rer som underordnade, annorlunda eller ?de Andra?.

Sjuksköterskans/Vårdpersonalens bemötande av patienter som tar emot svåra besked

Background: Health care is a strange place for the patient. To make this enviroment as good as possible, would the patient be well informed. The patient has right to know if it is a bad mews and often he/she needs caring after the information. Nurse´s basic responsibility is caring, for her/him it´s important to prevent the shock for the patient that can appear. Aim: Describe the nursing staff responses to the patient, using the patient´s perspective in relation to bad news. Method: A litterture review has been made with nine articles. Current research materials that meet the study´s purpose has been applied in databases and analyzed.

Hur sjuksköterskan genom patientundervisning kan främja egenvårdskapacitet hos typ 2 diabetiker/ How the nurse through patient education can support self-care capacity in type 2 diabetes

Background: Effective treatment of patients with type 2 diabetes needs a good communication between nurse and patient. This creats a good relation and leads to a more effective patient education. Aim: The aim with the literature study was to describe how nurses trough patient education can achieve self-care for patients with diabetes type 2. Methods: Literature studies with both qualitative and quantitative articles were examined. Findings: The articles that were chosen for the results were sorted in the two categories relation and communication.

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